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Operate Restoration Client

To restore an expired account, you need to retrieve the proof of historical state. This requires running an execution client that stores historical state data. By operating both the execution client and the restoration client, you can help users restore expired accounts and receive additional rewards.

How to run a restoration client​

Restoration client is controlled using the command line. Here’s how to set it up:

restoration --help                                                                                                             
Usage of restoration:
-corsdomain string
Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced) (default "*")
-ipc string
The ipc endpoint of a local geth node
-keystore string
Directory for the keystore (default = inside the datadir)
-minimum-reward string
Minimum reward for sending restoration transaction (default "1000000000000000000")
-passphrase string
Passphrase file for unlocking signer account
-port string
Server listening port (default ":32311")
-rpc string
The rpc endpoint of a local or remote geth node
-signer string
Signer address for signing restoration transaction and receiving reward

The execution client must be synced with full sync mode and store an unlimited number of epochs.

$ geth --syncmode full --epochLimit 0